82 IV ADDITIONAL PROPERTIES OF THE REAL LINE We omit the proofs of the following two properties: (4.1.10) lim 1/x = 0, lim 1/x = + oo, lim 1/x = - oo. x-+Q,x<0 (4.1.11) The mappings (x, y) -> sup(x, y) and (x, y) -> inf(x, y) are continuous in I x I. 2. MONOTONE FUNCTIONS Let E be a nonempty subset of the extended real line R. A mapping / of E into 5 is called increasing (resp. strictly increasing, decreasing, strictly decreasing) if the relation x < y (in E) implies /(x) f(y)); a function which is either increasing or decreasing (resp. either strictly increasing or strictly decreasing) is called monotone (resp. strictly monotone); a strictly monotone mapping is injective. Iff is increasing (resp. strictly increasing), —/ is decreasing (resp. strictly de- creasing). If/, g are increasing, and f+g is defined, f+g is increasing; if in addition / and g are both finite and one of them is strictly increasing, then/4- g is strictly increasing. (4.2.1) Let E be a nonempty subset of R, and a = sup E; if a $ E, then, for any monotone mapping f of E into R, lim /(x) exists and is equal to x-*a,xeE sup/(x) if f is increasing, to inf/(x) if f is decreasing. (Theorem of the xeE JceE monotone limit.) Suppose for instance / is increasing, and let c = sup/(x). If c = -oo, xeE /is constant (equal to — oo) in E and the result is trivial; if c> — oo, for anyA < c, there is xeEsuchthati b, y > c/b, for b > 0, imply xy > c,